What sort of wife would I like to be?

Earlier today, I was talking to one of my US friends on Facebook messenger, and we were discussing all the options to enable me to go and live in the US. The obvious one would be the work opportunity, but convincing an employer to job sponsor me, at my age, and with my list of skills, it might be easier said than done. It could happen, and if some employer reads this, and wants to offer me a job, then yes please!

The second one, which might be amusing at my, err, more advanced age, would be on a student visa. Not only is there the snag of being rather mature to be a student, especially given I never went beyond O Levels at school, due to a single parent scenario, where I had to get out to work ASAP, its not that practical an option either.

The third one, and I must say, one that fills me with amusement at the thought of it, is the marriage option! Fine, I’m laughing too, I’m 58, have been independently single for about 16 years, and not every man’s dream woman either! Well, I say man, but I’m equally open to a female partner nowadays, but anyway…

But yes, its not just the fact that I’m well used to doing what I want to do, when I want to do it, that might make being a good wife complex. As is well known around here, or should be at least, me and sex arent great partners! Thats actually over 17 years since I did “it” with another person, in fact! Oh, and I havent cooked regularly, or anything more than basically, in years! I know, dream woman, not!

Of course, my dream self as a wife, wouldnt have any of these issues, they’d be programmed into me. Yes, Stepford wife time! 😀 In truth, I’d probably love life as a 50’s housewife. I’m submissive, so having ‘my strong man’ telling me what to do, and think, would be heaven to me! I know, I’m funny, before any feminists bite my head off, but yes, I would love it, even if nearly everyone else wouldnt! Fine, I’d prefer the tweak of being the robot version, but if someone knows a way to make me a human Stepford wife, that might make a decent second prize! Still doesnt solve the issue of finding someone who wants me as a wife/partner, but anyway…its a start!

Apple Pie, any one? 😉

Equally, if someone just wants to turn me into a robot wife, I wouldnt mind at all!

The video. Well, I guess that if I was turned into a Stepford Wife, this might be how I feel?