Wont somebody dine with me?

OK, forgive me this piece of silliness, as in truth, the only people who could take me up on this, would be in the area around, or in the LA area, and the chances of many of them reading this, and being brave enough to go out to dinner with me, let alone do anything more, not going to happen!

In truth, most of the time, I’m very happy being solo, it enables me to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, and not worry about anyone else, and how they might disagree with me on things. But yes, the one time of day I sometimes wish I wasnt single, is when I’m eating out. I know, restaurants and places nowadays shouldnt treat single folk any differently to how they treat couples, and larger parties, but yes, it happens.

Now, whether this is because one server still has to wait a table for one, when they could be serving more people, and getting a larger tip, no idea. And of course, in most places, one person at a table takes it as much out of action as a party of 4 does. So yes, I can get it, sort of. Of course, when those places arent even busy lol?

But in truth, for me, its not really that. Given that I have a fairly modest appetite, and dont bother with starters (I’m a dessert person, when I need a second course), there is that awkward period between ordering, and your meal arriving, when you really have nothing to do, but wait, when you’re alone. No, I wouldnt want to be on my phone, even if I had one, just not my idea of politeness.

So yes, a dining companion, who I could chat with, during that sometimes interminable wait, would be nice, just at that point in time. Oh fine, someone to chat with, through the whole meal experience might be nice, and as for feeling wanted, just for once, no idea what its like now! So, if anyone in LA is feeling brave, just shout me here, or on email at stephmajor8@hotmail.com, or on Twitter at @Harleanlook, and let me know. In truth, if I’m paying my half (and I’d happily do so), then please consider I’m on a budget, if suggesting places. No, I cant do places like Musso & Frank, unless you’re paying lol!

Topic subjects I’d be good at, well, obviously the old movies (20’s and 30’s) would be a good starter. I do know some 50’s science fiction stuff, but modern movies, I’d be lost! Could probably have a fun discussion on Dodgers baseball too, if pushed. Oh, and if you’re a scientist who wants to do weird things to my mind, and body, you’ve got the right girl! Mind, if you think you might fall for a crazy, plain, nearly 60, British lady, well…?

In truth, I thought about an advert on Craigs List (or whatever its called), but what I saw of it, I’m not likely to attract the right kind of companion there, especially as I’m someone with no interest in sex whatsoever! Might still try it tomorrow, for a giggle, but I doubt it!

Alright, dream dashed! 😛

Video, well its a play on the blog title at least. Yes, a real oldie here, from a real oldie!