We’re in the money!

No, seriously, I’m not, so if anyone has got a spare thousand, or two, I’d really appreciate it. But on a more serious note… Back to the 1930’s, and…Inspired by this article, handily linked by a lovely friend


One reason I’ve noticed for numerous retirements among chorus line dancers, was the fact that after a couple of years (maybe more, maybe less?), they didnt get worn out by the non stop nature of their work, but they went off and got married. The thing thats significant about that fact, is that they werent tending to be marrying their boyhood sweetheart, or anyone like that, a large number of them got married to wealthy men, a number of whom seem to have been a ‘little bit more mature’ than their new young wives.

Of course, the burning question I’m wondering is whether these wealthy men were after a trophy, attractive wife, who had an element of fame, in the sense they’d probably seen them dancing in chorus lines in the movies, or did these young ladies, with their moment of fame, go searching for a wealthy husband, as the article suggests, going gold digging?

My suspicion would be there would be six of one, half dozen of the other, but it makes for an intriguing question, especially in the depression era. But were those men hooked by ladies looking for a comfortable life, or did those young girls get influenced by money being waved in front of their eyes? Hmm?

No, before you ask, from as much as I can tell, Clara Johnson was neither gold digging, or gold dug, for want of a better term, but given the limited info she gave up, and the fact that she might have been coy with details, who knows? šŸ˜‰

But fine, I guess if I’m young, pretty and talented, and some slightly older man waves a lot of money in your face, to go off and be his wife, I might not have turned him down either!

Right, video time. If anyone hasnt guessed the song, I’m shocked. Its Ginger Rogers at her best, pre Astaire days. Some pig latin thrown in for good measure, and yes, a certain Miss Johnson is among the dancing chorus line here! Song actually starts at 1:02 if you want to jump straight to it.

The oldest dancer in town?

I have the privilege to know a lovely lady, now living in Florida, who seems to have had quite a life from what I’ve seen of pictures, and been told by her, it must be said. I dont know all the details of it, and unless she wanted to tell me, I’m not going to press for details, but I know among other things that she worked in Vegas in her time, and I dont mean as a croupier! No, her skills are more in line with the dancing, and MC’ing and stuff, than that. What I do know, is that seeing her posts, and pictures on Facebook, and chatting with her on the messaging system there, I’m truly in awe of her, and everything she’s done in her amazing life. No name, without her permission, so sorry those that would love to know.

I’m sure if she had her way, even at my age, if I gave her the chance, I’d be following in Clara Johnson’s footsteps in another way, the outfits at least, as I’m certain that short of her knowing someone that can program dancing skills into my mind, I couldnt match Clara on that front. Definitely not now, almost certainly never, but thats beside the point! And fine, a Vegas showgirls outfit might be different to some of the stuff Clara had to wear, though in truth, what I’ve seen of both, there wasnt that much difference! Oh fine, I’ll admit it, it would be fun, though it might be wise if I wasnt seen in public wearing it! Though if she had her way, and my actress attitude got together, well, who knows?

Certainly if I ever get to her corner of Florida, and I might, though not this year, I’m sure, I wouldnt be at all surprised to be offered the chance to be a ‘showgirl’ for the night, albeit, not the youngest, or prettiest of all time. But would I do it? Probably! Why not, its as close to Clara’s lifestyle as IĀ  would ever be likely to get! Though I’m not having millions watch it at the cinema, unlike Clara did! Or I’m sure she did, in Vegas shows!

Yes, I’m going to Vegas next month, as its my transit point to Seattle going out, first time I’ve ever been there, or indeed to Nevada. Yes, state number 24 will be added to my list, not bad for a Brit! And no, Florida isnt on that list, nor is Oklahoma, both of which might be possibles for next year! So, reaching halfway…? No, I’m not going to give her the details of my flight times in Vegas, because I wouldnt put it past her have me met by someone with a Vegas showgirl outfit, if not a contract! Oh fine, I’d take the outfit like a shot, though maybe not the contract lol?

Oh fine, dear lady, if you do want to set that up, and ask, I’ll take my chances, and give you the flight details! šŸ˜‰

Right, video time. Firstly a live version. What I will say of this, is that if you are of a sensitive nature, or under adult age, go watch the alternate one! There is a lot more than just the song in this one

Alternate version, just the song, from a Top of the Pops recording, with a number of dancers in suitable outfits for a young lady, not a mature one like me